Melissa Christenson

A Bit About Melissa
Melissa received her Master of Science degree in Nursing from Georgetown University and has spent the last two years doing her clinical rotations with our team. Before coming on board, Melissa worked for six years as an RN and RN clinical manager in the Phoenix metro area. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Foreign Language (Spanish) from Virginia Commonwealth University.
Melissa’s journey into midwifery began just after college when she worked as a medical interpreter and patient care coordinator in Richmond, Virginia. Through her work with the community free clinics, she connected with women who not only needed a voice but who also needed additional support in pregnancy, labor, and birth. Melissa was inspired to help these women, and women like them, on a deeper level, so she completed training to become a doula. She volunteered her services for free through an organization within the VCU Health System, and her passion grew, inspiring her to become a nurse with the ultimate goal to be a nurse-midwife.
Melissa prides herself on building relationships with each of her patients and their families and believes this is key in achieving a satisfying birth experience. She provides a supportive voice to guide women on their journey while encouraging them to make their own choices and to take charge of their health. Melissa is passionate about education and inspires her clients to arm themselves with knowledge so that the course of their care can be tailored to personal needs and preferences.
Melissa is also a certified yoga instructor here in the valley. With over fifteen years of dedicated yoga practice under her belt, she recognizes the importance of the mind-body connection and incorporates her experience and education into her care for women. Melissa encourages her clients to utilize the breath to tap into a deeper connection with the spiritual and emotional self. Through breath-work and other exercises, she guides them to cultivate self-love and a more meaningful relationship with the child they are bringing into this world. If she is not at the office, hospital, or yoga studio, Melissa can usually be found hiking a mountain summit, gardening, or just reading a good book at home.
2017- 2019 Georgetown University, Master of Science in Nursing, focus in Nurse Midwifery/Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner
2011-2012 Virginia Commonwealth University, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
2003-2005 Virginia Commonwealth University, Bachelor of Art in Foreign Language, Spanish
American Midwifery Certification Board - Certified Nurse Midwife
NCC Board Certification - Women's Health Care Nurse Practitioner
Professional/Community Affiliations
American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM)
Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN)
American Nurses Association (ANA)
Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society
Golden Key Honor Society
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society